Tag Archive | johnny depp

I’m Giddy as a Schoolgirl

Oh yes….yes I am. If you know me (and I bet if you’re reading this you do) then you know I LOVE all things tim burton/johnny depp (‘specially the depp part). So I’m foaming at the mouth over one of my favorite movies getting a Burton makeover. My mother and father play a mean hand of spades. They used to love to play with their friends Don & Sharon Haydock. Since their kids were grown and gone, mostly anything to entertain a child had gone with them. So when we would visit I had the choice of watching two movies: Cloak & Dagger or Alice in Wonderland. We visited the Haydock home quite often. Needless to say I know these two movies frontwards and back. I grew to love Alice in Wonderland. I think this crazy, LSD inspired movie probably helped push my creativity buttons at a young age. The plot, the characters, the colors….the tale is creativity in a nutshell. So when I heard that Tim Burton was the taskmaster of the remake I think I peed a little. Anyhou….take a peek at the trailer. Read up on the buzz. I for one will be first in line.